

Linth Canal Swim 2024

Linth Canal Swim 2024

Are you ready for the ultimate swimming adventure? On August 18, 2024, we will swim from Lake Walen to Lake Obersee. We master the approximately...

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Rennvelotreff – Social Ride

Rennvelotreff – Social Ride

Every Tuesday evening in Horgen, once a month on Friday evening in Erlinsbach: Our two racing bike meetings are open to everyone who enjoys a nice...

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Neoprene Test Tour 2023

Neoprene Test Tour 2023

In spring 2023 you will again have the opportunity to find the ideal wetsuit for you at one of our test events. We start our test tour on March 15th...

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Open Water Training 2024

We will start our open water training on May 16, 2024 and swim into the summer on eight Thursdays in Lake Zurich near Horgen. We swim together with...

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