The Karoo bike computer from Hammerhead is a great alternative to the established devices. We have now tested the new version in everyday life for a few weeks and are happy to pass on our experiences to you here. To anticipate it: We also give a clear purchase recommendation for the new model 😉

Spoiler: Reviews of the Karoo are a dime a dozen. We therefore do not list any technical values here and do not bombard you with technical jargon. Rather, we would like to describe what we like and what we don’t like about this bike computer. We published a review of the predecessor model Karoo2 here a year ago. This forms the basis for the current update to the successor Karoo3 (or as the manufacturer Hammerhead calls the computer: Karoo).

Hardware: Significant improvements

The Karoo is between the Garmin Edge 840 and 1040 in terms of size. The new Karoo convinces from a practical point of view with important upgrades: The color screen is brilliant and clearly legible in almost all conditions. In our opinion, it trumps the current competition. The Karoo now also has automatic brightness regulation thanks to a light sensor, which we already know from Garmin and Co. The touchscreen has experienced a very good improvement: In the rain, the screen does not react oversensitively or uncontrollably and the device can still be operated via the touchscreen. That is convincing. Further improvements compared to the previous model: Operation is still optional and simultaneous via touchscreen and/or side buttons, which is very practical, especially in cool weather (gloves) or uneven surfaces (gravel, MTB). These buttons are now much more clearly tactile and very easy to use even with gloves. The Karoo mount has also remained on the new model. This takes some getting used to, as only a small twist is necessary to latch on and take it out. However, it is very stable, even off-road. But the new Karoo also comes with an adapter for Garmin mounts and thus – if desired – the usual mount can continue to be used.

Brilliant screen, easier to use buttons, significantly higher battery power: The new Karoo has undergone significant improvements compared to its predecessor

Now to the most important point of criticism of the predecessor model: the battery performance. We can now definitely give the all-clear here. The battery performance has been massively improved in the new model. Based on our first experience, it now lasts well over 12 hours and is therefore sufficient for most cyclists without any problems. The charging socket is now also very well protected against water and dirt.

Software: Navi still unrivalled

The software remains the big unique selling point of the Karoo. The navigation function is particularly terrific. Why? First: Intuitive. Second: Thinking from the user’s point of view. Third, it works. Simple. Reliable. Point. Or to put it in German: If you navigate with the Karoo, you will benefit from a crystal-clear display and clearly legible route information: The currently planned route is yellow and stands out clearly from the road color below.

The brilliant screen is especially valuable in navigation mode. Also practical: Riding time, battery level and time of day remain permanently visible at the top of each screen.

Route planning works either on the device itself or much more conveniently on Hammerhead’s own platform as well as Komoot and Strava. All routes planned on these three platforms (whether via app or desktop) are automatically synchronized to the device. Pressing the synchronization icon is enough. It doesn’t get any simpler than that. There is now the Hammerhead app, which allows you to synchronize the workouts and routes via mobile phone and BT, i.e. without a Wifi connection. In addition, a pin can be set on Google Maps or Apple Maps on the mobile phone, transferred to the Karoo via app and then navigated there. This is very practical if you decide on a new destination on the way or don’t feel like time-consuming route planning in advance. Karoo is then planning in the road bike menu for paved roads and in the gravel/MTB menu with off-road variants.

The rerouting (if you get lost or simply want to take a different route) takes place in real time and the original route remains clearly visible in yellow on the map. So you can constantly decide whether you want to go back to the old route or choose a completely different route, which is then marked in red and is also very visible. The underlying card (open source) works perfectly. Even single trails are marked.

Deviations from the planned route are recalculated at lightning speed and marked in red. The original route remains visible in yellow, so that you can always return to it.

In everyday life, this navigation software is as simple as it is reliable and is reminiscent of a mobile phone in terms of operation. For us, the navigation feature is THE main reason to buy a Karoo. 100 points!

Software: user-friendliness top

Apart from the navigation software: The operation of the Karoo is also otherwise very intuitive and fluid. Many settings can be changed without any problems and usually in a few steps, usually even while driving. The menu navigation is cleverly solved and also based on the mobile phone. All sensors known to us and used by us are compatible and usable without any problems and right away. Because Hammerhead is part of SRAM, the new Karoo allows the AXS-SRAM drivetrain to be fully integrated. The integration of Shimano is a bit more difficult, but at least the basic functions and the power meter are compatible. The Karoo is still very attractively priced compared to the competition. By the way: A climber function (which always works, even if no planned route is driven), Strava live segments, Suunto heatmaps, etc. etc. are also on board the Karoo.

The climber function shows the course of the current ascent even without a planned route and can be conjured away with a simple swipe downwards.

One point that keeps some from buying: With the Karoo, you exclude yourself from the widespread Garmin world. So if you use Garmin Connect as your central hub, you are left out with the Karoo. But if you use Strava or another app as a collection point for your data, for example, you are also fully integrated with the Karoo. This point seems manageable to us. What is of course always possible: The data can be transferred from the Karoo as a fit file via download/upload “by hand” to Garmin Connect. So if you really want to, you can.
The Karoo’s menu is now also available in German.

Last but not least: Pairing with the mobile phone is possible without any problems, so that all important and unimportant messages, notifications and other data can be displayed in real time.


The new Karoo (successor to the Karoo2) convinces above all with its user-friendly software, especially the navigation functions are outstanding. The battery performance is now on a top level, the screen is brilliant and the new buttons are even more user-friendly. Even in the rain, the touchscreen remains fully usable. The bottom line from our point of view is a clear purchase recommendation!


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