Horgen is the ideal starting point for countless beautiful road bike tours. No, we are not talking about the well-known trip around Lake Zurich. But from smaller side roads in the Zimmerberg, Albis to Aegerisee region that with less traffic but beautiful views. Are you ready to discover the region with the road bike? We have put together our eleven favourites for you. All tours last between two and three hours and include some climbing. However, they are easy to master for all riders. We provide you with the GPX file for download for your navigation system under the described tour. Vive le vélo!

(PS: Are you on the road with the gravel bike? Click here for beautiful gravel tours in the Horgen area)

Here are our top 10 racing routes from Horgen (plus 1 bonus ride):

To the southernmost municipality of the Canton of Zurich

Our first tour takes us to the southernmost municipality of the canton of Zurich, Hütten. After a flat start on the Seestrasse we turn right in Käpfnach and ride mostly on side roads to the south. Some steep but short ascents stand in the way. On the way back there is a swivel around the golf course Schönenberg, after that the fast descent towards Sihlbrugg awaits. In the middle of the industrial quarter, the beautiful side road in the direction of Kappel am Albis branches off quite unexpectedly. Probably one of the highlights of this ride. From there it goes via Albis (easier side!) back towards Lake Zurich. Admittedly, this tour has a few altitude meters. But flat is for anyone, this is real road bike riding.

Menzingen Monastery

On this tour we start immediately after the Seehallen Horgen into the first ascent towards Horgenberg. Up there we show you the really nice route towards Hirzel. Steep but great fun. And what a view. Then we ride over to Samstagern, Hütten to Menzingen, where we have already conquered the majority of the altitude meters for today. Of course, we ride to Menzingen mostly on side roads. Shortly before the monastery we turn right and ride down on small sheds to Sihlbrugg. On the Sihltalstrasse we rush down to Sihlwald, from where we get direttissima over the “Sihlstutz” – unknown to most of the cyclists – up to Horgenberg and down to the Seehallen. Ok, there are a few meters of climbing, but also scenic highlights are waiting for you. So the effort is worth it! As we said: Everyone can ride on pancake flat roads.

Lake Zurich panorama

Here, too, a few meters of climbing are waiting for you. But who wants to miss this panoramic tour! After the warmup ascent shortly after Käpfnach to Lake Hütten, we head to Schindellegi for the absolute highlight of this tour, to the unbeatable panoramic view over the entire Lake Zurich. The ascent is not easy, but it is feasible. But this world-class prospect justifies all the effort a thousand folds. Afterwards we ride down over the historic wooden bridge in Egg and via Bennau back to Schindellegi, Hütten and Hirzel back to the Seehallen.

Christa’s Choice: Gottschalkenberg

This route was put together by our customer Christa Hess. She knows every side road in the region. A few metres of climbing await you, but also magnificent panoramic views. Immediately after the start we head up towards Horgenberg and Hirzelhöchi. From there it goes down the old Zugerstrasse (very steep at the end) to Sihlbrugg. We take the main road towards Neuheim for a few kilometers, but soon the route branches off and we arrive on small side roads to Finstersee. The KOM is today on the Gottschalkenberg. The ascent from Finstersee almost always runs in the forest and it leads over the not so steep variant via Sparenhütte. On the other side we ride down again and we pass over the beautiful Schwandegg side to Finstersee and get back to Horgen quite directly via Hirzel. A challenging tour, but doable and above all beautiful.


Now it’s off to the “Säuliamt”. First via the known ascent to Hirzelhöchi and Sihlbrugg. Then over a beautiful side road to Hausen and Kappel am Albis, on we got to Rifferswil, from where we cruise on the Jonentalstrasse to the outskirts of Affoltern am Albis. In front of the village we turn sharply right, climb a few meters on the main road, but leave it at the first opportunity and come out again via a small side road with a beautiful panorama (paved) below Aeugst. Via Müliberg (watch out, again beautiful panorama) we go down to Aeugstertal, past the Türlersee over the Albis to Sihlwald, from where we reach the Sihlstutz up to Horgenberg and finally Horgen.

Breathtaking panorama

This ride is under the motto “Lake Panorama”. However, the world-class views over lakes and mountains have to be earned quite a bit. From Horgen, you pass Hirzel at the Teufenbachweiher to Finstersee. From there, attractive side roads await their discovery. These lead us with a short but violent ascent to the Schwandegg and then to the Gubel, where the Bloodhound defences system of the army greets us. A few bends later, the Kistenpass waits and then the landscape opens up in front of us to a huge panoramic view over Lake Aegeri and the Alps. No one can escape this sight, photos are mandatory. On a winding panoramic road we head towards the Ratenpass, which we reach at the end over a few meters on the main road. There we turn left in the direction of Gottschalkenberg and leave the hustle and bustle behind us. The descent over the Sparenhütte offers an incredible view over Lake Zurich. Back in the valley, after a short ascent, we descend via Schönenberg to Horgen. Sure, there also is some climbing with you today, but the panoramic views over Lake Aegeri and Lake Zurich are worth every drop of sweat!

Above the lakes

This “classic tour” takes us via Horgenberg, Sihlwald and Langnau to the Buchenegg. The Buchenegg ascent is an absolute classic in the region and early in the morning almost free of motorcycles. After the fast descent we follow the slightly ascending road past the idyllic Türlersee on the separate bike path to Hausen and Kappel am Albis. On the practically traffic-free side road with a great view over lake Zugersee to the Alps we pass Sihlbrugg for a short stretch, but disappear immediately on the opposite side on a small road towards Neuheim. From there we climb first steeply, but then very pleasantly up to the main road at Finstersee. A quick descent takes us over the Sihl and after a short ascent via Schönenberg back to Lake Zurich.

“Best of” ride

This tour is a mix of several routes already presented. Almost a “best of”. We start over the not too steep ascent from Käpfnach, from where we can enjoy a first incredible view over Lake Zurich just before we reach the motorway (necessarily look back ;-)). Afterwards, we ride on side roads via the golf course and Schönenberg to Bostadel, via even smaller roads down again into the Sihltal. Via the Albis and Langnau, we reach through the forest abbreviation directly the Sihltal and over our well known Sihlstutz up to Horgenberg and back to the Seehallen. A wonderful ride with a few meters of altitude, many small side roads and views.

Short but fierce (and beautiful)

On this tour we drive a little shorter for a change. But the tour is spicy enough with some steep climbs. Overall, however, it is feasible for everyone, no worries. Our first ascent leads to Horgenberg and over the panoramic route to Hirzel. From there around the golf course, we continue via Samstagern to the idyllic Hüttnersee and immediately on to the Teufenbachweiher. But we leave it to the right and turn into the side road back towards Hirzel. After a quick descent on the main road we reach the Sihltal, where we can roll slightly downhill a few kilometers before the final ascent via Horgenberg awaits us. A pleasure tour for an enjoyable road bike day.

Mur de Sihlbrugg

This is a relatively short “home circuit”. But we couldn’t leave it and built in a little challenge: The “Mur de Sihlbrugg” is waiting for you! Don’t you know? No problem, you will never forget it once you rode it. We start via Oberrieden and the Sihlstutz down towards Sihlbrugg quite easy. But then the wall is already waiting for you! Immediately after the big roundabout in Sihlbrugg, we head into the climb towards Hirzel. Not on the busy main road but just over the Mur. Enjoy! Once at the top a nice route around the golf course and back over the “Sageweg” to Hirzel awaits you, then direttissima towards Seehallen. Enjoy!

Panoramic tour, long version (72km)

This is the longest tour presented here. First it takes you via Hirzel and Menzingen to the Gubel. This is followed by the entire panoramic road – probably one of the most beautiful cycle routes in the whole of Central Switzerland – high above Lake Aegeri to Morgarten. Enjoy and soak up the view again. Once back down at the lake we ride on the shores of Lake Aegeri via Unteraegeri to Sihlbrugg and over the Sihlstutz again to the seehallen. The tour should take 3 hours for most people. But the effort is worth it!


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